Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jeg synes det er så hyggelig at familien mater meg med små, brune og hvite frø innnimellom. Det er så godt! Nammm...

Det er bare så innmari rart at de henger disse godbitene opp i trærne og sånn... I forskjellige bokser med små hull i. Skjønner ikke det, jeg. De sier at det ikke er til meg, forresten, men til småfuglene. Tull og tøys! Man kan da ikke la småfuglene spise sånt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile in Indonesia, especially in Java, leech oil is commonly used for enlarging the sizegenetics in a male vital organ. It is really believed that massaging your penis using warm leech oil for around 10 minutes daily will increase penis sizegenetics permanently. Leech oil is made by cooking the leech and other herbs inside fresh green coconuts that are boiled over charcoals. While there are thousands of kinds of leeches (a good number of them don't feed on human's blood, surprisingly), similar to Greek and Indian therapy, the Javanese only use the Hirudo medicinalis over other species.

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